Runtime: 42'25''
«All improvised music compositions, and most instrumental pieces, are strongly illustrated by the freedom they concede to the interpreter. On ‘Sitting San’, the composers act on the work’s structure and reflect on the notes duration or sound streams. This collective, called Frango, has Jorge Martins on guitar & bass, Rui Dâmaso on guitar & drums and Vítor Lopes also on guitar & drums, and they write unfinished and indefinite messages all over this release. We are not (at all) before a work that asks to be rethinked in any given structural direction. There are 5 tracks full of improvisation patterns, and they have the ability to unbalance the order therein (yeah!).
Throughout ‘Sitting San’, drone guitars humanize the process, with synapse-like and stripped down keyboards here and there, and hit-and-run drum breaks, which transports us to a creative work that is - lets say - not tonal, as if there were no laws and no dogmas, taking away from the listener the possibility to predict where the compositions are heading.
‘Sitting San’ keeps evolving towards its end, adding new space, our space.»
- Bruno Barros |
01 |
• Muito Tempo ........................................................................... |
pt |
us |
[8'12'' • 11,2Mb • 192Kbps] |
02 |
• Rusty Allen ............................................................................. |
pt |
us |
[15'08'' • 20,7Mb • 192Kbps] |
03 |
• Riders Don't Always Crash Cars ............................................. |
pt |
us |
[5'45''' • 7,91Mb • 192Kbps] |
04 |
• Pry Ann ................................................................................... |
pt |
us |
[3'05''' • 4,23Mb • 192Kbps] |
05 |
• Tru Pop / Chicória ................................................................... |
pt |
us |
[10'15''' • 14Mb • 192Kbps] |
• artwork ................................................................................... |
pt |
us |
[PDF-Zip • 2,41Mb] |
• all tracks + artwork ................................................................ |
pt |
us |
[Zip • 59,1Mb] |
«Formazione prettamente acustica, con un retro-calore psych
statunitense '60, i Frango possono ricordare anche cose della
ESP, o certe elongazioni dei Limbus tedeschi, comunque musica
abbastanza singolare, tipo anche i Thuja, con un vago sapore
algarviano sospeso in una specie di siesta infinita da qualche
parte tra Sagres e Olhao, tra oceano e mediterraneo.
Molto rilassato il primo brano, "Muito Tempo",
in cui la chitarra genera armonici e il basso ondeggia
come a simulare il fluttuare delle onde.
La lunghissima "Rusty Allen", quindici minuti
detemporalizzati da stille di piano e da una chitarra
acustica silentemente labradfordiana (ma non troppo)
riecheggia ricordi marini finiti in trame moresche
fittamente istoriate di echi come una Alhambra,
pigramente sostenuta da una ritmica titubante ma
- S [NewsLand.it] / July 24, 2005
«I don’t know how to explain the thoughts and feeling that have brainstormed my mind when i heard “Sitting San”. One of the things that occurred to me was: “Tortoise”! I apologize for the comparison but it was indeed that what happened. I pictured far lands in my head. Far lands of my head! A verb to describe this album: travel. When you hear this album, you’ll be instantly projected in far lands, and just wonder. For a debut album, i believe it’s really an impressive piece of music, and thank god they’re Portuguese! We needed a bright, talented and fresh band as “Frango”, in this music scene. One of my top 3 music discoveries on 2005. Thank you Frango.»
- Pedro Andrade [EARLabs] / April 22, 2005
«O colectivo de improvisadores portugueses, Frango (Jorge Martins, guitarra e baixo; Rui Dâmaso, guitarra e bateria; e Vítor Lopes, também em guitarra e bateria), realizaram uma produção de alto nível para a Test Tube, que constitui a mais recente edição da netlabel portuguesa vocacionada para dar a conhecer novos artistas e novas sonoridades electrónicas, eléctricas ou acústicas.
Em Sitting San, por entre os drones das guitarras pontuadas pela percussão, há um piano vadio não creditado que se intromete e salpica a música, enriquecendo-a nos detalhes. Esta é uma música em quase suspensão, à espera do próximo passo, que surge envolto em estruturas lassas. São elas que convidam à fruição de uma certa poesia nocturna. Sitting San, completamente aberto e multidireccional, é um trabalho bom de se ouvir.»
- Eduardo Chagas / April 14, 2005
«Erst nach mehrmaligen hören wird dem geneigten hörer die ganze pracht dieser musik bewusst. ich empfehle die verwendung von kopfhörern. wunderbare tracks die aber eigentlich besser den herbst vertonen statt dem frühling.»
- Mogwai's Blog / April 13, 2005
«En provenance du Portugal, Frango livre une expérience d'improvisation durant laquelle Chicago rencontre les Pink Floyd. Guitares aériennes, rythmiques tantôt lourdes et physiques, tantôt jouant les arrangements sourds et libres, piano limite désaccordé, basse laissée à sa propre complainte. Grand moment que celui de Sitting San, comme une ballade dans le temps, des années 70 en point de départ au milieu des années 90 en point d'arrivée, période où le post-rock, poing serré d'une génération érudite fut englouti par un revival new-wave pas toujours très amusant. Avec Frango, on imagine un jazz libéré de ses contraintes canoniques qui le font s'embourber à chaque fête de la musique. Ici, c'est le ralenti qui prime, ce ralenti qui donne du temps à chaque instrument et musicien qui se cache derrière de s'exprimer avec poésie et désinvolture. Cette empreinte indélébile du no-limit rigoureusement assimilé. Frango, trio simplement ultra créatif, offre à l'oreille attentive et gourmande l'une des plus intéressantes oeuvres du label Test Tube. Car, là, non seulement l'approche musicale, le côté expérimental ou l'ambiance sont réellement bien menés, mais aussi l'ensemble reste totalement audible pour celui qui n'est pas forcément habitué à entendre ce genre de sons. Labradford n'est pas loin, en somme...»
- LaFresto / April 13, 2005 |
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©2004 Bruno Costa
©2005 aeriola::behaviour
©2005 Frango
©2005 test tube
This work is licensed under a
Commons License.
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