Runtime: 50'52''
«Yeah, I was missing my good friend Nuno Meneses already. For our 100th release we are offering you 'Son of a Pitch', an album that was long overdue. It was to be released more than couple of years ago in Vinyl/CD format through our sister label, but some unexpected turns came down the road and it was kept in a drawer until some months ago. Well, here it is now just in time to commemorate our first one hundred releases.
Unlike the previous Pitch Boys releases , 'Son of a Pitch' covers different ground in terms of aesthetics. Taking as an approach the typical song format, Nuno grabs some basics of chill-out genre and mixes them with world music references, ambient, broken beat and some lounge to create stylish music drones which are perfect with some smoking of the flora portrayed in both artwork covers. Some personal favorites: 'Creamynal', 'Plonaise', 'Son of a Pitch' and 'Marijuan'. Thank you Nuno, for another great selection of chillout tunes.
Some of you might be asking why we didn't do the costumary 100th release compilation special, well... about an year ago I actually thought about it, doing some special stuff like a collaboration between a wide bunch of test tube artists. I started to line up some ideas and concepts, but sometimes is hard to manage the time needed for this to work out and suddendly it was too late to bring forward a complex idea like the one I was working on... lots of contacts to do, take into account the available time for each artist to complete the work, etc., etc. I had to abort the idea and pospone it to a future occasion, and do it right. And then the opportunity to release 'Son of a Pitch' came around and I didn't even think twice. Hope you all enjoy it. Roll up a king size for me!» - Pedro Leitão
01 |
• Borealis ................................................................................... |
pt |
us |
[3'47'' • 6,12Mb • VBR] |
02 |
• Creamynal .............................................................................. |
pt |
us |
[4'24'' • 5,17Mb • VBR] |
03 |
• Noir is the color ....................................................................... |
pt |
us |
[3'19'' • 4,70Mb • VBR] |
04 |
• Plonaise ................................................................................... |
pt |
us |
[2'08'' • 2,88Mb • VBR] |
05 |
• Son of a Pitch ........................................................................... |
pt |
us |
[3'24'' • 5,46Mb • VBR] |
06 |
• Tropicanna ............................................................................. |
pt |
us |
[3'74'' • 5,76Mb • VBR] |
07 |
• Elbow ....................................................................................... |
pt |
us |
[5'30'' • 8,47Mb • VBR] |
08 |
• Eerie ........................................................................................ |
pt |
us |
[3'02'' • 4,09Mb • VBR] |
09 |
• Opus 22 .................................................................................... |
pt |
us |
[2'18'' • 3,35Mb • VBR] |
10 |
• Marijuan ................................................................................. |
pt |
us |
[3'36'' • 5,81Mb • VBR] |
11 |
• Tronic ...................................................................................... |
pt |
us |
[5'03'' • 8,79Mb • VBR] |
12 |
• Rising Space ............................................................................ |
pt |
us |
[4'22'' • 7,50Mb • VBR] |
13 |
• Opus 36 .................................................................................... |
pt |
us |
[3'22'' • 5,65Mb • VBR] |
14 |
• Airborn ................................................................................... |
pt |
us |
[2'43'' • 4,77Mb • VBR] |
• artwork ................................................................................... |
pt |
[PDF-Zip • 4,09Mb] |
• all tracks + artwork ................................................................ |
pt |
us |
[Zip • 80,8Mb] |
«A test tube é uma netlabel Portuguesa que nasceu em 2004 e com o seu fantástico trabalho já se converteu, “qui sá”, na mais representativa e activa netlabel nacional. Ao longo destes anos a test tube tem apresentado novos e alguns já consagrados artistas, tanto nacionais como internacionais, mas sempre explorando novas sonoridades. Como o próprio nome diz, tubo de ensaio.
Passado 3 anos ai está a edição 100 da test tube, um numero redondo e para respeitar, tendo em conta a alta qualidade dos trabalhos que nos tem oferecido para download grátis. Pitch Boys - Son of a Pitch é já a 3ª edição de Nuno Meneses na test tube, depois de Random Teleports I e O.S.T., este Son of a Pitch oferece-nos uma viajem por sons mais chill-out, misturados com varias texturas electrónicas, ambient, broken beat e algum lounge. Sem duvida um excelente álbum para comemorar a edição 100 da test tube.
Parabéns duplos, para a test tube por todo o trabalho que tem vindo a desenvolver ao longo destes anos e para Nuno Meneses pelo fantástico Son of a Pitch.
Parabéns e aqui ficamos a aguardar a edição 200.»
- Mr Cool [Submusica] / November 25, 2007
«'O bom filho à casa torna' - relembra a sempre acutilante sabedoria popular. Na sua 100ª edição, a netlabel Test Tube volta a editar Nuno Meneses e o seu projecto Pitch Boys. Sendo já a terceira edição de Pitch Boys no catálogo da reconhecida netlabel - depois de "Random Teleports I" e "O.S.T.", "Son of a Pitch" é um chill-out cremoso, servido com doses variadas de sons de outras selvas; um mix da electrónica e o mundo tribal, numa aproximação bem batida aos mais diversos ambientes. Em resumo; que bela prenda!
Parabéns pelos 100.»
- Rui Dinis [A Trompa] / November 13, 2007 |
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©2007 kconnors [Morguefile.com]
©2007 aeriola::behaviour
©2007 Nuno Meneses
©2007 test tube
This work is licensed under a
Commons License.
How to download
music tracks:
• right click the individual links
to the files;
• choose 'save as' and
point it to the place of your preference (eg:
your 'desktop');
• single click usually
works, too.
How to play music
• choose an appropriate mp3/ogg player
(we recommend Winamp)
and install it on your system;
• usually,
you double click the music files to play them,
but you might want to follow the program's specific
instructions. |