Runtime: 20'27''
«'Sleepyhead falls off the edge of the world' is a hip-hop mini-epic for all the broken hearts out there. Love stories gone wrong... not your typical theme for an hip-hop release, I guess... but Shelter makes it work really really well. 'Sleepyhead...' is a small gem of an EP, in fact, it's a reissue of the original which came out on Shelter's old weblog more or less an year ago. I kind of bumped into it by accident and almost immediately 'Sleepyhead...' became a regular on my winamp playlist since then. Musically, think of BoC-style nostalgia keyboards and electronics and Marshall Mather's style vocals and flow, but Swedish pop way - Shelter is from Sweden, and you're there. Excellent production, very good lyrics and an awesome sense of narrative throughout. This is the most perfect 20 minutes of hip-hop I've listened in a long time.
This release is also a good excuse to show off our new standard design for the cover artwork. Hope you dig it!
Furthermore, keep your eyes peeled for a new EP to be released very soon on Shelter's own website.» - Pedro Leitão
01 |
• Intro ........................................................................................ |
pt |
us |
[0'29'' • 0,80Mb • 192Kbps] |
02 |
• We like falling (feat. Balance) ................................................ |
pt |
us |
[4'08'' • 5,79Mb • 192Kbps] |
03 |
• Into the fog .............................................................................. |
pt |
us |
[3'33'' • 5,01Mb • 192Kbps] |
04 |
• Rhythm of the night (feat. Balance) ...................................... |
pt |
us |
[1'33'' • 2,26Mb • 192Kbps] |
05 |
• Keys open doors? (interlude) .................................................. |
pt |
us |
[0'15'' • 0,48Mb • 192Kbps] |
06 |
• What's underneath ................................................................ |
pt |
us |
[3'25'' • 4,81Mb • 192Kbps] |
07 |
• My knee's weak ....................................................................... |
pt |
us |
[3'07'' • 4,40Mb • 192Kbps] |
08 |
• Sunny eyes (interlude) ........................................................... |
pt |
us |
[0'38'' • 0,99Mb • 192Kbps] |
09 |
• The Swamp .............................................................................. |
pt |
us |
[2'24'' • 3,41Mb • 192Kbps] |
10 |
• Outro ....................................................................................... |
pt |
us |
[0'55'' • 1,38Mb • 192Kbps] |
• artwork ................................................................................... |
pt |
[PDF-Zip • 1,96Mb] |
• all tracks + artwork ................................................................ |
pt |
us |
[Zip • 29,5Mb] |
«Si le hip hop n’est pas vraiment le style de musique que l’on peut entendre sur le netlabel Test Tube, en revanche quand ce dernier tient un producteur, on peut imaginer qu‘il vaut vraiment le détour. Ce qui est le cas avec ce rappeur venu de Suède et déniché par hasard par Pedro Leitão. Loin du hip hop old-shcool pétri de samples funk que l'on peut apprécier par ailleurs, celui de Shelter, lui, mise tout ou presque sur les sonorités électroniques, les sons de synthés mélancoliques un peu comme si Boards Of Canada produisait le prochain album de Eminem. Et ça marche ! Puisqu'on a au final 20 minutes de hip hop impeccable, sans la moindre faiblesse et dans lequel les beats, la guitare, les synthés, le flow de Shelter et de son ami Balance s’entendent à merveille... pour notre plus grand plaisir.»
- Benoît Richard [Netlabels Revue] / May 07, 2008
«Um facto: Pedro Leitão na review que faz a este disco na página da Test Tube consegue congregar as duas principais características sonoras deste disco de Shelter: uma beleza nostálgica dos teclados rugosos dos Boards of Canada com uma certa agressividade de uma voz branca que junta juventude com o rap onde menos se espera.
O hip-hop, que não raras vezes cai num cliché, aqui é colocado como ferramenta de algo maior não mascarando as belíssimas melodias e lençóis de sons sintetizados como é o caso de “We like falling (feat. Balance)”. O mais interessante neste “Sleepyhead falls off the edge of the world” é mesmo a dicotomia entre o conforto e os sons redondos e a hostilidade própria do texto rapado.
“The Swamp” é a jóia de coroa seguida de “We like falling (feat. Balance)”. A primeira é simples e corta a direito, sem grandes cerimónias. Sabe bem música com conteúdo ou que apenas nos ofereça o que é acessório. A essência antes da forma.»
- Work Buy Consume Die [Beats Play Free] / March 03, 2008
«One of the best albums in 2008 so far. "We like falling (feat. Balance)" is a pearl of sad beauty and anger. Nobody with a romantic heart should live without listening to it.»
- Work Buy Consume Die [EARLabs] / February 23, 2008
«Ok, this is special for Stratosphera. Hip-Hop isn't usual for this blog, as all you watchers know. But what made Stratosphera review this album is it's poetic side, as Pedro wrote before, this is a album about love and getting emotionally hurted by people. It's just beautiful so sit back, relax and open your mind.»
- Stratosphera / February 2008
«Onde os teclados nostálgicos dos Boards of Canada se encontram com a electrónica pop sueca tudo sobre uma base hip-hop, é assim a música de Shelter. É sueco, canta, essencialmente, sobre histórias de amor que correm mal, lançou um primeiro EP - "Heartless" há cerca de um ano através do seu site e edita agora "Sleepyhead Falls Off The Edge Of The World" através da Test Tube, netlabel nacional, que nos continua a brindar com muitas e boas edições dos mais variados géneros.»
- Braindance / February 18, 2008 |
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©2008 Karl Lindeberg
©2007 aeriola::behaviour
©2007 Karl Lindeberg
©2007 test tube
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