Runtime: 42'59''
«A Respigador - possible english translation: Harvester - is usually the person who drives or operates the machine with the same name. A harvesting machine used to harvest wheat and other cereals from the fields. So, the title of this new collaboration work between swiss musicians Laurent Peter (a.k.a. d'incise) and Cyril Bondi - both known as Diatribes - and Paulo Curado and João Pedro Viegas (two local jazz musicians and improvisators) is about the travessia (crossover) of some respigadores. Crossing over what? And who are these respigadores and where are they going to (and coming from)?
Perhaps they are Laurent and Cyril, because respigadores are also the people that scavenge stuff that others don't want anymore, turning them into usable objects, like perhaps sound-producing objects, musical objects. Diatribes use them frequently in their albums and live performances, granting the music they make something that goes beyond human performance and instrument manipulation, musically speaking.
In its core, 'Travessia dos Respigadores' is an amazing work of the Freejazz/Experimentation kind. Of totally improvisational nature,
the pieces that the four musicians cooked here, simmer together in an enormous range of textures and smells, like a good satisfying meal does. Diatribes operate laptop, found objects (d'incise) and drums (Cyril), with complete passion and mastery. The self-contained tension that Cyril operates into his set of drums is palpable, we can almost taste the sweat coming out of his forehead when he bashes violently the metal and leather of his weapon of choice.
Paulo Curado (saxophone) and João Pedro Viegas (bass clarinet)
complete the whole setup beautifully. They are both well experimented musicians and can tap into the tension which this kind of performances operates, bringing all the chaos together, augmenting or diminishing it as they see fit.
At the best moments, 'Travessia dos Respigadores' shows off all four musicians fusing together into a single sound-delivering force. A massive force to be reckoned with. Like a giant, well balanced punch in the teeth, that will make you see the stars, the bells and the little birds flying around your head.»
- Pedro Leitão |
01 |
• Marcha / Noyade ..................................................................... |
pt |
us |
[3'51'' • 7,95Mb • VBR] |
02 |
• Atravessar o Ruído e o Silêncio ............................................... |
pt |
us |
[3'33'' • 7,49Mb • VBR] |
03 |
• Valsa dos Respigadores ........................................................... |
pt |
us |
[2'39'' • 5,62Mb • VBR] |
04 |
• Se réveiller entre les mailles ................................................. |
pt |
us |
[2'40'' • 5,10Mb • VBR] |
05 |
• Le Cinéaste / Mudar de casa (em 3.07 minutos) ...................... |
pt |
us |
[2'49'' • 6,15Mb • VBR] |
06 |
• Danse des Pavés ...................................................................... |
pt |
us |
[4'09'' • 8,38Mb • VBR] |
07 |
• Mecanismos Finais .................................................................. |
pt |
us |
[3'21'' • 3,37Mb • VBR] |
• artwork ................................................................................... |
pt |
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[PDF-Zip • 4,42Mb] |
• all tracks + artwork ................................................................ |
pt |
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[Zip • 103Mb] |
«Chama-se “Travessia dos Respigadores” e é o resultado de um encontro feliz entre a dupla suiça Diatribes (Laurent Peter em laptop e Cyril Bondi na bateria e percussão) e Paulo Curado (saxofone) e João Pedro Viegas (clarinete baixo), músicos nacionais de jazz e improvisadores. Adaptando as palavras de Pedro Leitão, o curador da netlabel responsável por este lançamento – disponível também em Cdr pela Mitenand, “Travessia dos Respigadores” situa-se algures entre o free jazz e o experimental, não se podendo ignorar a sua natureza improvisada. Estimulante.
Interessante registo; e grátis!»
- Rui Dinis [A Trompa] / September 10, 2009
«Test Tube nos presenta esta autentica joya del freejazz y la improvisación a cargo de un cuarteto de lujo formado por Laurent Peter, mas conocido como d`incinse y el extraordinario bateria Cyril Bondi; (ellos dos forman Diatribes), junto a Paulo Curado y Joao Pedro Viegas, dos músicos portugueses e improvisadores natos. La colaboración entre los cuatro crea esta "Travesia dos repigadores". El disco fue presentado el 27 de Agosto en Lisboa en el centro cultural Fabrica Braço de Prata.
Un "respigador" es normalmente alguien que maneja una cosechadora para recolectar cereales del campo, aunque también puede ser alguien que aprovecha objetos deshechados que nadie quiere para darles un nuevo uso, esto es un "reciclador" de objetos. Esto es lo que suelen hacen Laurent y Cyril con diversos objetos sonoros, lo cual le da siempre a sus actuaciones una dimensión que va mas allá de la mera acción humana sobre los instrumentos.
El resultado son 42 minutos de "travesía a través del ruido y el silencio ", de cruce e intersección de las respectivas improvisaciones de los cuatro músicos, una fusión que forma un "caos conjunto" increíblemente rico en matices y detalles; la actuación de Cyril a la batería es extraordinariamente enérgica y muy destacable, Laurent hace gala de su maestría para manipular extraños sonidos y tanto Curado como Viegas aprovechan la enorme fuerza de esta corriente o marea sonora para seguir su dirección o ir a contracorriente.»
- Millerindub [Netlabels & News] / September 04, 2009 |
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©2009 d'incise
©2009 aeriola::behaviour
©2009 Diatribes + Curado + Viegas
©2009 test tube
This work is licensed under a
Commons License.
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