Runtime: 30'00''
«By the end of Spring I was hired to compose 10 pieces for a series of 10 videos to be displayed in a Brazilian Sushi Restaurant in Las Vegas. Even though the nature of this pieces is abstract, the fact that they have to work with the videos (produced by Daniel Roversi) and that they were going to be performed in a restaurant somehow brought back 'musical' elements which were part of my early work. After I finished them I felt it might be interesting to publish this material that if it wasn't for this project I wouldn't have ever done it.
The videos were based on cultural elements from both Brazil and Japan but I wanted to make something more universal and I feel my love for soundtracks and film music in general, were particularly influential here. The soundtrack projects of people such as Ry Cooder, Quincy Jones, Lalo Schifrin, Herbie Hancock, Vangelis, Edward Artemyev, Vincent Gallo and John Frusciante sure served here as inspiration.
The title of this release pays tribute to film director Terry Gilliam and novelist/journalist Hunter S. Thompson and their movie/book 'Fear and loathing in Las Vegas' where a unique atmosphere of delirium and disregard is built through the entire story, creating confusion between the sometimes-vague line between reality and imagination. This confusing atmosphere were present on the videos, as Daniel Roversi allowed contradictory elements to play together, as the relationship between the video themes and the relation between Japan and Brazil culture required certain level of abstraction to work altogether.
Also by the time I composed some of the pieces for this release I had a at home some of Luis Buñuel movies which I am sure inspired this work as well. This release pays tribute to him and in particular to his movie 'Le Charme discret de la bourgeoisie' where this delirium and disregard atmosphere can be found as well.
This is a soundtrack for a move composed by 10 chapters, 10 stories that the listener could write, direct, shoot and perform, on his own mind.» - Lezrod
01 |
• El Dorado ................................................................................. |
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[3'00'' • 5,02Mb • 224Kbps] |
02 |
• 36 Chambers ........................................................................... |
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[3'00'' • 5,02Mb • 224Kbps] |
03 |
• Ciudad sin Dios ........................................................................ |
pt |
us |
[3'00'' • 5,02Mb • 224Kbps] |
04 |
• Protección Masiva ................................................................... |
pt |
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[3'00'' • 5,02Mb • 224Kbps] |
05 |
• Indiferencia ............................................................................ |
pt |
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[3'00'' • 5,02Mb • 224Kbps] |
06 |
• ファック Albert Einstein ............................................................. |
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[3'00'' • 5,02Mb • 224Kbps] |
07 |
• Apatía ..................................................................................... |
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[3'00'' • 5,02Mb • 224Kbps] |
08 |
• Luis Buñuel ............................................................................. |
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[3'00'' • 5,02Mb • 224Kbps] |
09 |
• Brujeria ................................................................................... |
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[3'00'' • 5,02Mb • 224Kbps] |
10 |
• Selección Artificial ................................................................. |
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[3'00'' • 5,02Mb • 224Kbps] |
• artwork ................................................................................... |
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[PDF-Zip • 3,50Mb] |
• all tracks + artwork ................................................................ |
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[Zip • 53,4Mb] |
«Columbian sound artist David Velez aka Lezrod was commissioned to compose a series of works for a Brazilian Sushi bar in Las Vegas. If that idea doesn’t send your mind spinning then consider yourself unspinnable. The compositions are meant to be a soundtrack for videos that would play continuously in the establishment. This probably explaisn why these ten pieces, each being exactly 3 minutes in length, have a tonal quality that is unusual in Lezrod’s music. The artist draws his inspiration from two surrealist works, Hunter S, Thompson’s Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and the films of Luis Bunuel. I’m not exactly sure if this is music to eat sushi by but they are some of the most interesting and accessible of Lezrod’s many soundscapes. These tracks are definitely worth a try for your dinner music or just chilling out.»
- Marvin [Free Albums Galore] / October 20, 2008
«David Vélez aka Lezrod es un artista ya habitual y reconocido de la escena experimental. De nacionalidad Colombiana y residente en Nueva York cuenta con excelentes trabajos en netlabels como Zymogen.
Tampoco es su primera vez en test tube, en esta ocasión nos trae un increíble trabajo de diez piezas de tres minutos exactos cada una y que surgieron originalmente como un encargo para acompañar la proyección de unos videos (a cargo de Daniel Roversi) en un restaurante Brasileño de Sushi en Las Vegas. Estos videos se centraban en elementos culturales comunes entre Japón y Brasil.
Pero para David Vélez estas piezas musicales tenían que ser algo mas universal y finalmente ha convertido un poco este release en un homenaje al mundo del cine y las bandas sonoras. El titulo homenajea la película “Fear & loathing in Las Vegas” del director Terry Gilliam basada en la novela de Hunter S. Thompson. El ambiente de caos y confusión entre realidad e imaginación que impregna toda la película estaba presente también según Lezrod en los videos de Daniel. Una pieza esta dedicada al cineasta Luís Buñuel, en concreto inspirada en el film “El discreto encanto de la burguesía”
El resultado es un sobresaliente trabajo, uno de lo mejores que escuche últimamente, con el personalísimo sonido de Lezrod, abstracto pero rico en texturas. Muy recomendable.»
- millerindub [Netlabels & News] / September 13, 2008
«Terceira edição de David Vélez na netlablel Test Tube. Como das vezes anteriores (falo de Seleccion Natural, de 2005; de Exploraciones Sonoras De Paisajes Surreales Y Espacios, de 2006; de Genki Vol. II, de 2007; e de 20:51, de 2008), há motivos de sobra para celebrar a elegância e o moderno design sonoro da música do artista colombiano. Sob o nome de Lezrod, retoma as tendências experimentais baseadas em sons acústicos e adequada projecção electrónica. Fear and Loathing in Rio/Tokyo, consagra a plena maturidade do artista, perceptível na espacialização ambiental que tem sido característica da sua marca exploratória de novas sonoridades. As composições resultam da encomenda de um restaurante em Las Vegas, para servir de fundo sonoro à passagem no local de dez vídeos com a duração de 3 minutos cada. Excelente decoração de interiores.»
- Eduardo Chagas [Jazz e Arredores] / September 10, 2008 |
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©2008 David Vélez
©2008 aeriola::behaviour
©2008 Lezrod
©2008 test tube
This work is licensed under a
Commons License.
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• right click the individual links
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• choose 'save as' and
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• single click usually
works, too.
How to play music
• choose an appropriate mp3/ogg player
(we recommend Winamp)
and install it on your system;
• usually,
you double click the music files to play them,
but you might want to follow the program's specific
instructions. |